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36 ዋ መሪ ፓነል

Are your rooms too dark? Do you want brightness and warmth in your home or office? If you are, then the 36w LED panel becomes a must have for you. It looks clean and contemporary, is low-profile with a square form that fits easily into any space. You can install it on a ceiling or even mount it to a wall. You got the huge, luminous sun retentive in your room yet fortunately it would not make you hot or visually impaired glare of your eye. Hulang መሪ ፓነል 36 ዋ  of the LEDs that are even and soft in simulating natural light can cover up any area. A well-lit space will make you feel more relaxed and at the same time give your room a cozy feeling. They can really use at home if you have kids this is perfect. This will allow them to do homework, read or play with games more often as well. This will make the activities enjoyable and can also assist every member of your family to focus better.

Save Energy and Money with a 36w LED Panel

Would you like to save a little money on your electric bills every month? Of course, you do! Save on your energy bill by installing a 36w LED panel It employs modern LED technology, which is that much more efficient than old-type light bulbs (incandescent ones). LEDs consume less electricity, but still deliver an equally bright shining experience like those conventional bulbs. This will help you save money since you will be consuming less overall energy. A 36w LED panel lasts for upto 50,000 hours — that would be a perfect reason to opt for this one. That is a really long time! They will last you for a really long time, so fewer changes as compared to other lights. This is great news for your pocket and it is good for the environment, as less light bulbs will go in to landfills.

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ተጨማሪ የሚገኙ ምርቶችን ለማግኘት አማካሪዎቻችንን ያግኙ።

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