Hello, kids! So today we are going to discuss this very special bulb - The 9w Bulb. Has anyone mentioned it to you before? If not, that’s totally okay! At the conclusion of this review you will know all about this awesome light bulb, and if it is perhaps right for your own home.
Do you like bright lights? I know I do! Like the sort of bright lights that turn a room into sunshine & puppies happy. However, did you know that there is actually light bulbs out there where the brightness of shines consumes a lot energy to produce? And it's rather bad for both our planet and pocket. It includes a 9w light bulb rather than normal bulbs. D it gives you a bright light while uses less energy. What does this mean? This is so you can light your room without using too much electricity. Then you can even have that well-lit space without having to worry about the bills of high electricity. Isn’t that awesome? On top of that, it's more environmentally responsible we should all care!
Do you want to save money? Of course! Well, your parents are saving money as well. So they will love the 9w light bulb. Use it in any place of the house take an advantage for saving bucks. This light bulb is cheap to keep on in every room of the house, be it your bedroom, living or kitchen. And there’s more! 9: the light bulb is for long time. This means you would not need to change it very often, which make your parent saves even more money. Therefore, you can avail of bright lights without making a hole in your pocket!
When was the last time you had to replace a light bulb? It’s not fun, is it? But it is tedious, especially when you need to do that many times. The 9 w bulb is however great, as its powerful and has a long burntime. What does that mean for you? So you can do more of what makes your good life, like playing or reading and less time in changing light bulbs. That’s a win for everyone! Instead of stressing about whether or not the lights are on, you can just enjoy they were made to do!
Fixtures in action Now let's take an examples of fixtures. What is a Fixture, you ask? That is where you source your light bulb like in a lamp or even ceiling lights. There are several types that it is compatible with: incandescent chandeliers, outdoor fixtures (where the light bulb cannot be exposed directly to rain), table lamps (in my receptacle lamp will only limit how far out of the shade because its super warm; mine broke after 4-6 months despite wanting it on max over some longer hours of use) and track lighting. This way you can use it in several light & lampengers around the house. You can do that with any light, IF you have a dimmer switch. You may also use the 9w light bulb with it! With this, you can manually change how bright your lights are. Meaning you could have the lights if it up bright while your doing homework or make them dim while reading a bedtime story.
Have you heard of a carbon footprint? It is a way to demonstrate the amount of bad gas (methane) we create when we draw things like electricity. The 9w light bulb is eco-friendly, so you cut down on your electric bill and carbon emissions. So what does this mean for our planet? It means you can get lesser to poisonous gas, which will make our Earth healthy by using the 9w light bulb. Which is so important because we want to look after our planet for ourselves and also future generations. This is not the change we can all go around using less energy, but a step that will help!
የ LED ምርቶች የእኛ የምርት መስመር ዋናዎች ናቸው። የአሁን ዋና ምርቶች 9 ዋ አምፖል ብዙ የአምፖል መብራቶች ቲ አምፖል መብራቶች ፓነሎች መብራቶች፣ የአደጋ ጊዜ መብራቶች T5 T8 ቱቦ መብራቶች፣ የአየር ማራገቢያ መብራቶች ከግል ብጁነት ጋር፣ ሌሎች ብዙ እቃዎች
earned ourselves a respectable brand in the market as products distributed in more than 40 countries which include Asia, Africa, Latin America and the Middle East. Over 40 countries in Asia and the Middle East as well as Africa Latin America familiar with our products. 9w light bulb, wholesalers and decoration companies our principal clients. most well-known products T bulbs and A bulbs such as T bulbs, for instance, have provided lighting to over one million people in the world.
company is accredited by ISO9001, CE SGS RoHS CCC various other accreditations. There are eight engineers at our disposal who are skilled in R D. provide an all-in-one service from customers' ideas speedy design samples, bulk order production, and delivery. ensure high-quality We conduct 100% tests using various professional testing equipment, such as integration sphere-shaped testing machines with constant temperature and humidity test chambers, age-related test equipment, high voltage surge testers.Our own SMT workshop, equipped with state-of-the-art automated 9w light bulb brought from South Korea, achieve an annual production capacity around 200,000 placements.
Zhongshan Hulang Lighting Electric Co., Ltd. አቅራቢ LED አምፖሎች እና የመብራት ፓነሎች። የ LED ምርቶችን ወደ ውጭ በማምረት ከ 15 ዓመታት በላይ ልምድ ያለው ሁሉም የአለም ማዕዘኖች ከ 200 በላይ ሰራተኞች በኩባንያችን ተቀጥረዋል። የአቅም ምርታችንን በከፍተኛ መጠን ጨምረናል እንዲሁም ከሽያጭ በኋላ የምናደርገውን ድጋፍ በተመቻቸ መዋቅር አሻሽለነዋል።16 አውቶሜትድ የማምረቻ መስመሮች፣ አራት ባለ 9 ዋ አምፖል በድምሩ 28,000 ካሬ ሜትር እና በየቀኑ ወደ 200,000 ቁርጥራጮች የማምረት አቅም አለን። ትላልቅ ትዕዛዞችን በብቃት ማስተናገድ እና የደንበኞቻችንን ፍላጎት በፍጥነት ማሟላት ይችላሉ።
የቅጂ መብት © Zhongshan Hulang Lighting Electric Co., Ltd. ሁሉም መብቶች የተጠበቁ ናቸው።