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Who invented the light bulb? Notice It was Thomas Edison in 1879. Prior to its invention, people illuminated their homes with candles and oil lamps, while gas lighting actually provided a contamination-prone shared open flame. Now imagine if you had to spend every night sitting around using candle light for everything. That would be super dark and unsafe! The risk of fire was great and people had to be careful around candles, oil lamps or open-flames.

The light bulb used by Edison is a far cry from the ones we have now. It contained a unique element referred to as the carbon filament, which would light up vividly anytime electricity passed through it. These bulbs were extremely expensive at that time and would last only a few hundred hours, this restricted them to the very wealthy. But the light bulb slowly improved and then everyone had one. That is just fine, because we have all these different light bulbs to choose from for our homes and lives today!

    LED Light Bulbs Explained

    LED light bulbs are the newest cool thing in general lighting. LED stands for Light Emitting Diode The bulbs take advantage of the beauty of light-emitting diodes, or LEDs-special materials that emit photons when zapped with an electric current. Where LED light bulbs are concerned, one of the really wonderful things about them is that they can last for thousands of hours. Which means you do not have to replace these nearly as often in comparison with your standard incandescent bulb. Furthermore, they use a great deal less power than various other kinds of light bulbs This saves you a lot of money on your energy bill monthly!

    Smart lighting technology has been a game-changer and solves that. You can power on your lights using just your voice, a remote control or even via the app. You can also power the lights as well, and adjust brightness levels change colors or even have timers for when you want all of your lights to turn on/off. A few smart lighting systems will even know when you enter a room and switch on the lights, all by itself!

    Why choose Hulang light bulbs?

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