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40w बल्ब

Isn't it so that once you step into a dark room, do not you wish to get more lights? It can feel kinda grim with not enough light. Helps in making any room lightened and chirpy!: A 40W Bulb enables to uplift the mood of you living space A 40W lamp is a douche of the light type that burns using 40 watts to be brilliant. By this bulb, you can easily illuminate a room without wasting much energy. The result, you will able to get relax in your place and save some more power!

    Save Energy without Sacrificing Light with a 40W LED Bulb

    Saving Energy So We Can Save The Planet And Our Own Electricity Bills You can do that with a 40W LED bulb LED Lights : LED and its Full-form is Light Emitting Diode. This bulb is very efficient in terms of energy saving and still puts out a lot of light. Although it shines as brightly as a regular 40W bulb, an Edison-style A19 LED lightbulb only requires 6.5 watts of power to produce the same level of illumination (Image: US DoE Photograph). This allows you to have bright, well-light rooms without fearing a massive electric bill at the end of the month!

    Why choose Hulang 40w bulb?

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