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20 Watt LED babu

Got a dark and dreary room that nobody wants to spend time in? The light is too low to read or do your homework. If you are experiencing any of that, I would suggest switching your light bulbs to 20 watt led bulb. Saving on energy and much brighter LED bulbs — you should pay them a visit if you want to make your room wonderful. How does Hulang 20 Watt LED babu amapanga nyali zazikulu m'malo mwanu ngongole m'malo pamene tikuphunzira zambiri za iwo?

Kodi Mababu 20 Watt LED Ndi Chiyani?

What is a watt anyway? A watt is a unit that indicates the amount of energy lack of light bulb uses when burned. Incandescent light bulbs, AKA old-fashioned light bulb are power hungry to produce perceived white colour of natural day sunlight. After all, the last thing any of us want is for our electricity bill to rise. Well, there is some good news: Hulang mababu a LED ndizopanda mphamvu komanso zimawala chimodzimodzi. Izi zimatsimikiziranso kuti mumasunga ndalama pa bilu yanu yamagetsi chifukwa mababu a 20 watt LED sangalole ngodya zamdima za chipinda chanu kukhalapo.

Chifukwa chiyani musankhe babu la Hulang 20 watt led?

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Lumikizanani ndi alangizi athu kuti mumve zambiri zomwe zilipo.

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